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Search Result Speed, Feature Comparison and Article Recommendations

At Appvizer we want to make sure that when our users are doing research about possible solutions, they find the most pertinent information possible.

By "solutions", we mean software that users look for, but not only. Users also come looking to learn, teach themselves and discover new more productive and competitive ways to work. Despite the small amount of time they can dedicate to that. 

This is why we've decided to update our site with three new capabilities:


1. Recommendations of Pertinent Articles 

We recommend articles to read based on the searches the visitor made. 




2. Comparison of Features 

Users can now compare different software programs and their features as they do their research on the site. 


3. Search Result Speed

We've reduced the loading speed of our page by tenfold, all the while putting thousands of new software programs on our website for our users to search through.